Sunrise at Nabana Lodge

Posted by Magda on Mon July 20, 2015 in Nature.

Guests are encouraged to rise early to capture the rising sun on film

The Lowveld in Mpumalanga and especially the panorama route is known for its spectacular vistas and look out points. Few visitors to the area leave without beautiful scenic shots, especially of sunrise and sunset. Here at Nabana Lodge you have an added benefit of an unlimited view of dawn breaking over the eastern escarpment, whilst sitting on your deck. On a cold morning you could even just open your door, get back into bed with a steaming mug of coffee and enjoy the beauty of a new day unfolding. Our guest, Hans Mulder took this spectacular series of photographs in July 2015.

Further Reading

African paradise flycatcher - Terpsiphone viridis - in the garden at Nabana Lodge
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An empty nest the only evidence of an African paradise flycatcher's dedication and courage

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Nesting southern masked weaver - photographer Naomi Corinaldi
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Mushroom - Kingdom of Fungi - found in garden at Nabana Lodge on the Panoramam route
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