The magic that is Kruger National Park
Make the most of your holiday in the Kruger National Park
Mountain Biking Mecca
Many of the most extreme endurance events in South Africa are hosted in Mpumalanga, including hiking, climbing, assault courses and water-based activities, but the most prevalent of all the events, throughout the year, are the many mountain bike races.
Nabana Lodge is a nominee in the Sanlam Top Destination Awards for 2018
We need your votes. Nabana Lodge is a nominee in The Sanlam Top Destination Awards 2018 which recognises the hard work and dedication of South Africa’s Accommodation Industry. At the heartbeat of Tourism, the Accommodation sector delivers the promise of a truly authentic experience for visitors from other provinces in South Africa and countries around the world.
Going green at Nabana Lodge
“I have therefore come to believe that the world’s ecological balance depends on more than just our ability to restore a balance between civilization’s ravenous appetite for resources and the fragile equilibrium of the earth’s environment; it depends on more, even, than our ability to restore a balance between ourselves as individuals and the civilization we aspire to create and sustain. In the end, we must restore a balance within ourselves between who we are and what we are doing. Each of us must take a greater personal responsibility for this deteriorating global environment; each of us must take a hard look at the habits of mind and action that reflect – and have led to – this grave crisis”
El Gore
Earth in the Balance
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