Don't you sometimes wish......

Posted by Magda on Mon July 17, 2017 in Tourism.

that you could spend just another one hour in the Kruger National Park before leaving for home?

Leaving the Kruger when having to travel to Gauteng makes that last day just too short, lessens the possibilities of a breathtaking last sighting. While it is great to leave wanting more, why should you not get just that! Why not leave the park at the last possible moment and check into Nabana Lodge, a mere 23km from Phabeni gate, on your way home. With Thyme restaurant on site you don’t even have to fret over making dinner. Nabana Lodge is a three star, fully catered lodge with accommodation in garden cottages. Wake up the next morning with a spectacular sunrise view over the west of KNP from your room and have a hearty breakfast before travelling home.

Further Reading

Tower of giraffe, Kruger National Park, Nabana Lodge, Phabeni gate, Hazyview
Kinderstories en die Kruger wildtuin - vanaf Nabana Lodge

“En wat kan die masjienmens van ons tyd meer kalmeer as die geluid van water, of die roep van n voël, of die oë van n wildsbok of die grasie van n kameelperd se stap of die barre eenvoud en onbeweeglikheid van n rots? Aletta Lübbe – Vanuit n ander hoek.

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