Anti Corruption Initiative in Hazyview near Nabana Lodge

Posted by Magda on Thu March 5, 2015 in Tourism safety.

Fed up with escalating roadside corruption of traffic officials, Hazyview tourism took initiative..

Escalating corruption from traffic officials demanding cash for fines/alleged fines severely damaged the image of Hazyview, a tourism hub in the scenic lowveld of Mpumalanga. Hazyview Chamber of Business and Tourism initiated a campaign which was launched  at the end of September 2014 where business cards were printed and are distributed to all tourists. The initiative was taken up by Kruger Lowveld Tourism and is underwritten by the South African Police. Should traffic officials want to extort cash from tourists on the road, this card is presented to them. There is a 24 hour contact number of the police on the card, where the culprits can be reported. Tourists are also asked to report every incident of alleged corruption and the data is collated and presented to the police. Since the launch of the initiative this flagrant disregard of the law by corrupt officials has virtually come to an end. The cards have been distributed to all accommodation establishments. Please ensure when checking in at your accommodation establishment that you receive yours.

Further Reading

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